shift your perspective on design

one card at a time


Generate innovative interpretations of garden elements through imaginative thinking. Everyday garden elements can be transformed into unique, personalized pieces that carry deeper meaning.

This activity is outlined on INSTRUCTION CARD #14 of The Design Your Eden Card Deck


1. SELECT AN ELEMENT: Choose a garden ELEMENT card that you wish to creatively reconceptualize. Position your selected ELEMENT card on a flat surface.

2. CHANGE THE PERSPECTIVE: Place the SEEN AS Card next to your chosen ELEMENT Card.

3. INTRODUCE VALUES: Begin to flip over the VALUE cards, one by one. As each value is revealed, let your imagination wander.

  • Ask yourself: "How might this element be perceived through the lens of this value?"


"What imagery comes to mind when a BENCH is SEEN AS CONTEMPLATION?"

"How would it look and feel if you designed a GAZEBO as an OASIS?"

5. DOCUMENT: Spend a few moments thinking about the combinations that ignited the most enthusiasm or curiosity.

  • SKETCH: If a particular combination of VALUES & ELEMENTS inspires a new concept for your outdoor space, sketch out the interpretation that best captures that idea.

  • WRITE: To maximize the impact of the new concept or relationship, jot down any descriptive phrases, ideas, or design elements that surface from the combinations.

6. NEXT STEPS: Congratulations! You’ve completed the Advanced Design Path. Continue to the Facilitated Activity Page


Finding Spatial Harmony