laying your foundation

one card at a time


Take inventory of the physical ELEMENTS currently in your outdoor space, eliminate the physical ELEMENTS not aligned with your current vision, and create a wish list for future modifications and additions.

This activity is outlined on INSTRUCTION CARD #8 of The Design Your Eden Card Deck


1. ELEMENT SELECTION: Select a card from your ELEMENT Deck.

2. REFLECTION: Spend time considering the card. How does it make you feel? Can you see this element in your outdoor space?

3. SORTING: Sort the selected card into one of three stacks:

HAVE: ELEMENTS currently in your outdoor space(s).

WANT: ELEMENTS that inspire you and that you'd like to add to your space in the future.

NOT INTERESTED: ELEMENTS that don't spark interest for you now or in the future for this particular outdoor space.

Tip: Be patient and take your time with each card. This is an exploration of your current space and future desires, so enjoy the process.

4. NEXT STEP: Repeat this process with each ELEMENT Card in your deck then proceed to the next activity: VISION & VALUES

Explore the elements

new perspectives can bring undiscovered meaning

click below to proceed to the next activity


02. Vision & Values