SKETCH OUT your perfect eden
one card at a time
Bridge the gap between imagination and reality by sketching your dream garden to serve as a visual guide that brings you one step closer to designing your perfect personal Eden.
This activity is outlined on INSTRUCTION CARD #12 of The Design Your Eden Card Deck
1. VISUALIZE: Reflect on Your Eden's Manifesto, and lay out the ELEMENT & VALUE Cards you've already identified are part of your vision. Close your eyes and visualize these ELEMENTS coming together in your outdoor space.
How do they interact?
Where are they placed?
Do they represent your chosen VALUES?
2. SKETCH: Use this reflection to start a sketch of the big vision for your Eden. Remember, this is not about artistic perfection, but about making your ideas visible. Drawing activates a unique part of our creative mind that helps us break though barriers. Feel free to use shapes, colors, symbols, or even words to represent your vision.
3. ALIGNMENT: After your basic sketch of the surroundings is ready, go through your ELEMENT Cards and place them on/near the corresponding to the ELEMENTS you've already sketched out. This helps reinforce the connection between your abstract ideas and their physical embodiments.
4. REFINE & REVISE: Take a step back and look at what you've created. Does it look and feel like your envisioned Eden? Are the VALUES you desire being represented in the space? Continue editing and revising your sketch until you feel fully connected to your drawing. This blueprint serves as a snapshot of your dream, helping you envision and eventually realize your unique outdoor paradise
5. NEXT STEPS: Proceed to the next activity: FINDING SPATIAL HARMONY.